Tag Archives: picture

18 weeks tomorrow


Here we go again on this rollercoaster! It realyy is so strange how time moves. Right now I can’t believe it’s 18 weeks already and I want it to all slow down- Someone asked me the other day how many weeks I was and I said:

“six— no sev— no- almost 18 weeks!

This is how ridiculously large it’s getting:

I just hope the warm weather starts really poking through now as my jackets won’t fit any more soon!

We were lucky enough to pick up even more loely second hand stuff from friends this week! Very grateful for the breast pump (not beastpump as I just typed), steraliser, toys, clothes and car mirror for rear facing seat plus a great sling we grabbed from a friend (and got to hug a lovely dog and play with a gorgeous little girl too!

Biggest achievement this week (last week now) was making my GORGEOUS niece smile via skype playing peekaboo with her!

Hope Auntie S doesn’t mind me posting this:

How cute?! 🙂

Had the 16 week midwife appt last week too. Baby fine, my bloods all fine (though I’m Rhesus negative) and babies heartbeat most excellent. Baby D does also NOT appreciate being poked by the dopplar, and wriggles and kicks like mad. Still can’t *really* feel it yet, the odd bubble but nothing more. Lets hope soon I will start to feel the squirming!

Been on the whole much less nauseous and much more active which has been hard but fun. Even tried out my new maternity swimsuit last week!